Collingwood Chiropractor

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractors focus on the health of the joints of the body, particularly the spine. Through movement analysis, orthopaedic and neurological testing, Dr. Clemenhagen will determine which areas are not moving as well as they should, how this is affecting the overall function of the body, and if an irritation of the nerves is involved. The main tool chiropractors use to correct these restrictions is the adjustment, or spinal manipulation. Dr. Clemenhagen will explain which type of chiropractic adjustment is suitable for you based on your condition, your age, your bone health and your comfort level. Not every person requires an adjustment and Dr. Clemenhagen will explain whether this type of treatment  is appropriate for you. 

The goal of the adjustment is to decrease pain, increase function, and get you moving and feeling your best. 

To learn more about Dr. Clemenhagen, click here